What is a super class C RV? Learn all you need to know about super C motorhomes, their benefits, and if it is difficult to drive one.

As more and more people gravitate towards the #rvlife, we see a greater trend of RV customizations and innovations. The 'what if's?' of the RV world have given rise to newer and improved models of classic RVs and campers. One such innovation is called the Super Class C RV or Super C Motorhome. This RV that is dubbed as a 'Class C RV on Steroids' is pegged for RVers who like the size and maneuverability of a Class C motorhome, but also want some of the value added features offered by Class A motorhomes.
Read on to learn more about super class C RVs, their pros and cons, and whether you need one.
What is a Super Class C RV?
If you're new to the RV world, here is a fresher course of RV classes. Class A motorhomes are the largest RVs on the market. They come with luxury amenities and lots of room for storage but can be difficult to drive and maneuver because of their size. Class B RVs are the smallest RVs out there, they are called campers or vans because they are usually built on a van or jeep chassis. Then there are Class C RVs that boast a 'best of both worlds' scenario; Class C motorhomes are larger in size than Class B campervans but smaller than Class As. They offer some of the same amenities that Class A's offer but not all.

This is where Super C class motorhomes come in. A Super Class C RV is a type of hybrid RV that is built on a larger truck chassis than a Class C RV and has (almost) all the amenities offered by a Class A motorhome. Super C RVs are typically built on a large truck, a commercial truck or a semi-truck sized chassis, think class 5 through class 8 chassis. This chassis is designed for towing and carrying heavy loads. They feature a super-large frame, an overhead bunk, and an extra-powerful diesel engine with a larger wheelbase making them sturdier and allowing them to carry more weight than a standard Class C RV.
You can also find Ford super C motorhomes that are built on a Ford F-550 chassis and super C RV Freightliner that uses the Freightliner S2RV chassis. The market for 4x4 super C RV is also thriving because of more adventure loving RVers.
Benefits of Buying Super C RV
So why is the the super C RV becoming so popular; here are some of the benefits of buying a super C motorhome.
More Engine Power and Greater Towing Capacity: Super C RVs are built on a larger and stronger truck chassis as compared to traditional Class C motorhomes. This combined with a more powerful engine, larger and stiffer chassis rails, axles with greater carrying capacity, and wheels and brakes that can support and stop the extra weight make for a more dynamic motorhome.
Extra Living Space: A larger chassis translates to larger super C RV interior. Super C diesel motorhomes also come with loads of storage space so you can carry bigger camping and adventure equipment long with you easily.
Bigger Holding Tanks: Boondocking is made easier with RV holding tanks that can hold more water. Super Cs have freshwater tanks that can hold 100-150 gallons of water, and grey and black tanks that can hold up to 75 gallons each.
Greater Towing Capacity: Super Cs usually have a diesel engine and a larger wheel base, allowing you to tow big ticket items like large trailers for car racing, for example, easily. Most super C RVs have a towing capacity between 10,000 and 20,000 pounds.
More Stability and Comfort: Super class C motorhomes are heavier and bulkier which makes them more grounded on the road. This translates to more security and less susceptiblility to buffeting by larger vehicles. Plus air-ride suspension and large airbags support the weight of the coach on the chassis and help to soften the ride, making the motorhome a comfortable option for long-range driving.
Easier Maintenance and Safety: Super C motorhomes have their engines ocated under the hood in the front of the vehicle. This makes them easier to access as compared to the engines of Class As and diesel pushers. The heavier engine also provides a larger crumple zone in the event of a collision.
Pitfalls of Getting Super C Motorhome
Before you start looking for a super C RV for sale, take a look at some of the pitfalls of owing one.
They are Expensive: Super C RVs usually come at a higher price point than Class A motorhomes. They usually cost anywhere between $150,000 – $600,000 with most newer models costing more than $300,000. Even if you're looking for used super C motorhomes for sale, you're looking at a major spend.
They Require More Fuel: The larger, more powerful engine on Super Cs has a big appetite. Most super C class motorhomes have a fuel capacity of 100 gallons with a fuel economy of fewer than ten miles per gallon.
They are Difficult to Park: Any RV that is as big as a Super C will need more space both when driving on the road and when parking. A downside to owing a super Class C RV is that you won't be able to drive it just anywhere, it needs open space to maneuver correctly. Also, finding a good parking space might be a problem since many campgrounds simply don't have parking spaces for rigs that long and wide.
They Have Less Living Space than a Class A: Since super C class RVs have their engines up front under the hood, that space consumed by the hood is lost. This means a 40-foot Super C has less space inside than a 40-foot Class A.
What is the Best Super C Class RV?
The debate on which is the best super c RV is still in its infancy since these newer RVs have just hit the market recently. You won't find a lot of super C RV manufacturers in the market; the most prominent ones include Dynamax, Renegade, Thor, Jayco, and Nexus with Newmar just joining in the ranks as well.
What is the Difference Between Class C and Super C Motorhomes?
The main difference between a Class C and a super C motorhome is the size of the rig. Most Class Cs are built on an F-450 chassis that is smaller than the semi-truck or truck chassis that super C motorhomes are built on. Super Cs also have more engine power (usually diesel powered) and greater towing capacity making them a better toy hauler.
Which is better Super C or Class A Motorhome?
While a super C RV may have more living and storage space than a Class C motorhome, it still cannot compete with the space you get in larger Class A motorhomes. A Super C is often 101 to 102 inches in width with slides retracted while Class As can go up to 108 inches in width. However, you can tow more weight with a super c motorhome and they have more power owing to their diesel engine. So it all basically comes down to your preferences, if you want a luxury rig that can also tow your kanoe along on camping trips than you can't do better than a super C RV.
What does a Super C Motorhome Cost?
Super Cs are usually more expensive than Class A motorhomes. You can find super C RVs for sale at anywhere from $150,000-$600,000. Used super C motorhomes are cheaper and the price will also vary depending on model and make. Be prepared to spend on average $250,000 to $300,000.
Do you need a CDL to drive a Super C motorhome?
A CDL or commercial driving license is a type of license required by owners who intend to drive weighty, large vehicles for private use. This is the same type of license given to truckers and commercial bus operators. A CDL is required by certain states when you're driving a vehicle that is over 26,000 lbs or one that is carrying more than 16 passengers. If you own a super C motorhome that is under that weight and passenger limit than you don't need a CDL, otherwise you do.

The Last Word
Super Class C RVs might be a new addition to the RV world but if you're looking for a larger, more powerful rig that can haul all your toys along then there is no harm in checking out a super C motorhome. Just be prepared for a larger spend, a little more maintenance and fuel costs.