Monitoring the maintenance of your RV tires is critical for your motorhome. Check out our RV tire maintenance tips for a safe drive!

Your tires put the V in RV. Without them, it is another home setup. RVers who like to travel frequently need to stay ahead of the game to maintain the condition of their automobile. There is nothing worse than an RV that falters in the middle of your trip and ruins your travel plans. That is why it is important to take all the necessary steps before setting out on the road.
Tire maintenance is a long-term effort. There are many factors and processes involved. Proper maintenance and care for your tires can extend the health and life of your motorhome and improve your vehicle’s fuel economy. We have compiled a comprehensive guide on the best do’s and don’t of your RV tire maintenance. Have a read to give your motorhome and its tires the best care you can!
Why is RV Tire Maintenance Important?

The health of your RV tires is critical to the health of your RV. Improper tire maintenance can lead to poor tire conditions, a harsh drive, and premature damage to the RV. It can even affect the endurance of the cords, posing a safety risk on the road. As RVers, there are a few key areas that require constant checking on your part. These include the air pressure of tires, the weight of your RV, the age of your tires, and their type. There are tips to deal with each area, and we will share the best ones we have!
RV Tire Maintenance Tips to Keep in Mind

1. Carry an even RV load:
The tires of your RV are the foundation bricks of the structure. They carry the weight and load of the vehicle, passengers, and your utilities on the road. When it comes to your RV’s weight and load, it comprises several things: the vehicle’s weight, fuel, passengers, appliances onboard, tanks, generator, luggage, and any towed vehicle. It is important to distribute this load in your RV evenly and stay within the recommended weight range according to the RV class. Carrying a load heavier than the vehicle and tires can manage leads to irregular tire wear, unhealthy fuel consumption, reduced braking ability and suspension, and excessive attrition.
2. Maintain proper tire inflation:
Make sure that the air pressure of your tires is optimal. The right inflation pressure of your RV tires allows for good traction, handling, and capability. An overinflated or under-inflated tire can cause bad driving and excessive heat to build up in the radial and rubber cords. This can lead to the premature breakdown of tires. The recommended pressure and inflation level for tires should be according to the RV manufacturer’s recommendation.
3. Regularly rotate your RV tires:
Tire alignment and rotation are important for a smooth ride. Tire rotation entails switching up the position of the tires because the front of the vehicle is heavier than the rear. This is done to prevent uneven wear and tear of the tires. An uneven wear of tires can cause loss of tire pressure and vibrations at high-speed driving. For rotation, the front wheel tires are usually moved to the back and the back ones to the front. You can check out the owner’s manual to see the recommended rotation time. Usually, the recommended rotation interval is about 5,000 to 8,000 miles.
4. Frequent tire check:
A thorough inspection of your tires should be mandatory before each trip on the road. Even better is to have a look at the condition of the tires every time you take a break during your travel. Have a close check to see if there is uneven wear, bad tears, cracks, low pressure, feathering, or cuts on the rubber.
5. Replace tires when required:
RV tires usually ‘age out’ before they ‘wear out’, meaning that they could need replacement even if they look to be in good shape. The stress, weight, drive, and usage of an RV are greater than a standard automobile. Uneven wear and being in storage are the most common reasons for tire replacement before their age requires it. Generally, most tires should be replaced when they hit the five-year mark.
How Can You Prolong Your RV Tires’ Life?

Track your tire maintenance:
Tracking your tire maintenance schedule will keep your tires on schedule to stay healthy. You can do it manually or use an app to make things easier. Keeping your tire maintenance records and documents will also make things more convenient for your mechanic on the road.
Cover your tires in storage:
It is very important to keep your tires in proper storage when your RV is on a break. Lift them up and cover them properly. This is because sunlight and ozone dry out and damage the rubber of the tires. Not to mention, a covering will protect the exterior from any water, oil, or object damage too.
Keep an eye on the sidewalls:
The tire sidewalls can give you a good idea of how the tires are aging. Rough, bumpy, or mountainous terrains can damage the tires and sidewalls. Try to inspect the sidewalls after each drive to make sure there aren’t any cuts, bulges, or cracks in the tires.
Wash tires with care:
When dirt and debris accumulate on tires, it affects the tire's performance and condition. That is why proper cleaning of your tires is important to give them a long life. Don’t use strong chemicals, alcohol, or petroleum distillates to clean your tires because they can damage the rubber. Instead, use mild soap, soft brushes, and plain water.
The maintenance of your RV tires is absolutely crucial. They impact the speed, drive, acceleration, handling, and braking of your RV. Use our tips to make sure your RV tires are in optimal condition. After all, a safe drive makes a good ride!
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